Gowns after gowns, after gowns! I'm dead beatttt!
It was the first visit to Vivo for both Rachel and myself! Haha, what idiots! Vivo's HUGE, and we were practically stepping into most of the shops! Lunch at Carl's, it's been ages since I last had it! ToyRus, where Grace was making me laugh like some mad idiot. How bout, she took the cute Winnie the Pooh's Flip Out Sofa, placed it on the floor and started lying on it! (In front of everyone at ToyRus) Hahahahha. Here:

It was tiring like anything to walk around the huge Vivo! Went round looking for a red gown for Grace, as well as clothes and accesories. Was so tired, we decided to sit at Starbucks for awhile til it was time to meet my parents at town for more shopping. Finally bought the refiller for my Za, spent hell alot of money at Robinsons, dinner and all, before heading home.
Oh yea, met hell alot of people today as well. Pauline, Prema, my sister, cousin, Nat, Sarah, Dhini etc at Vivo, and Mrs Khoo, Kim, Joycelin, Sher etc at town.
Ok I'm seriously tired, I should get going. I can barely even stare into this screen anymore, super duper tireddd, I need to sleeeeppp!! : D Shopping again tmr, omgosh! Most prob gonna grab that green zara dresss! Alright NIGHT! And I'm left with one last paperrr, how exciting! : D
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